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Laughter Therapy

04 Mar, 2022

Laughter Therapy

We must laugh from the heart, not from the mind. Laughter from the heart can take you to higher consciousness in order to attain true self, and then it is blissful. You can keep on laughing without any reason, which does not make any sense because you are not aware, alert, and conscious of it. While laughing, you are releasing stuck energy into the Universe, because whatever energy you have stored inside for the last few years needs an outlet to be released out into the Universe; then you can feel relaxed, calm, and quiet.

You can practice laughing and experience it in your daily life in order to understand it. While laughing, you do not think about the past and future but remain here right now. As soon as you finish laughing, you can feel that you empty your thoughts of desire, dream, ambition, success etc. you have already released repressed, and suppressed energy into the Universe, and finally you can feel light and relaxed in the now. You got connected with it by let go of worry, let go of fear, let go of everything. Moreover, you have dissolved negativity, and you are in a transcendental state. It is part of a dynamic meditation practice as well.

Never be serious at all, because seriousness is worse than death. Laughter is life, love, and light in the purest form. You can laugh like a kid with full of awareness, and it comes out of ignorance and innocence, full of curiosity. When children laugh, they can keep on laughing without any obstacles. Therefore, if you want to become childlike again, you can laugh with awareness into this moment. Finally, you can observe that anger, fear, jealousy etc. get dissolved, because all kinds of negative emotions keep on collecting inside us in the form of useless and unproductive thoughts.

In total laughter, the mind can disappear into no-mind because it is dance, fun, play etc. But not everybody can laugh in totality, because they are worried for tomorrow or the past. They have created many problems because they are living with attachments and desires, and while clinging to those, they cannot laugh. Most people live with mind, and they can only smile in order to impress others, which is fake because they are stuck with inner turmoil and noise.

They cannot laugh, because they are looking in others, not within. Even if they laugh, you can feel some ego in their laughing because they are disconnected from existence, and their laughing is not deep but in the form of suffering. In a real deep laugh, the mind disappears. When real laughter happens, a bright luminous light starts spreading from the center of your heart toward your circumference—just as you throw a stone into a silent pond and ripples start moving toward the source.

Laughter is a great medicine and powerful treatment for stressed people or those who are suffering from depression. In your deep laughter, guilt, worry, wound etc. disappear.

 Only human beings have the ability for laughing, not any animals but those who are connected with books, scriptures, beliefs etc. they have lost the capacity for total laughing because they are involved with collecting too much ego in the form of fake knowledge. They can be doctors, engineers, accountants etc. They can be good in their careers, but they are not people of awareness, alertness, and deep connection with nature, because they have not gone for an inner journey so far and have not experienced true being; therefore, they cannot laugh with totality. Those who are meditators, nature-loving people, live from moment to moment; they have the capacity for total laughter because they are more connected with true inner being.

I want people not to be serious but remain full of joy, bliss, and happiness, with total laughter to disconnect from mind in order to be blissful in nature.

Laughing, dancing, and singing are the activities in which the thinking mind stops. You cannot truly laugh and think at the same time. You can laugh while thinking, but it is just to impress others and it reflects your duality pattern of life because you are doing two things together. But as soon as you really laugh, mind disappears, and you are already there because you are the door of knowing. If you are dancing, the boundaries, the divisions, between you and dancing are lost—which is the same as in laughing, singing, and so on, because you stop thinking and are completely absorbed in this moment. You become the dancer and singer, and then who is dancing and who is singing? It is not you, but it is your lower self-converted higher or true self while dancing because there is no mind or thought.

Laughing releases stuck energy, but if you are suffering in intense pain, you cannot laugh, because you are trapped in inner turmoil and noise. It is good exercise to release our negative energy into the Universe; laughing is a dynamic meditation in which your negative-emotion energy comes out.

Laughing decreases stress hormones and increases serotonin. When we have a low level of serotonin, we are connected with depression, anxiety, headache, and insomnia. As soon as you start laughing, it refreshes, rejuvenates, and dissolves your mind and enhances your energy level. It puts you in a peaceful and silent state because you release stuck energy into the Universe, which finally reduces stress, worry, depression, and tension, so you end up living into this moment.